This Blogger Reveals Her New Favorite Children’s Book. Guess What It Is?
Photo Credit: Jennifer Borget, Baby Making Machine
Lifestyle blogger, Jennifer Borget of Baby Making Machine, says, “Reading is a huge part of my life and I want it to be something my kids grow to love as well. Finding books your kids love is one way to start, and I have a feeling this will grow to be one of his favorites.”
Jennifer is talking about one of I See Me!’s latest books, “My Very Own Trucks,” which we sent her to enjoy with her adorable son she calls, “Big T.” Jennifer says, “…it takes a lot to really impress me… this I See Me book really impressed me.”
My Very Own Trucks reveals your child’s name in the pages of the book through various things that go (think trucks, trains, busses, etc.) that spell out your child’s name in the pages, and at the end the vehicles reveal your child’s name in the spotlight.
If your child loves trains, trucks, diggers and exciting things that go, this is a wonderful book your child and family will treasure.
We would like to thank Jennifer for her sincere review of “My Very Own Trucks” and all the wonderful photography she included to illustrate just how much she and her son loved the book. We are glad our personalized storybook is now your new favorite children’s book!
Five Quick Tips to Inspire a Child’s Love of Books:
1. Read Often: Don’t reserve reading time just for bedtime. Read throughout the day as part of your daily routine.
2. Be an Example: Instead of playing on your iPad or watching TV, read a book or magazine. Show your child that you, too, love reading.
3. Talk about Books: Have your child retell his or her favorite stories, even prompt your child to share a summary of the story with friends and loved ones.
4. Create a Reading Log: Write down every book you read in a notebook over the years. Every so often, flip back to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished along the way!
5. Put His or Her Name In It: How cool would it be for your child to read a book that features him or her as the main character?!? I See Me! makes this possible with its personalized storybooks where your child is the star of each adventure.