Does your son or daughter love animals? That’s almost a silly question—animals and children are a natural pairing. It’s hard to imagine a child who isn’t excited to meet a kitten, pet a friendly dog, or take a trip to the zoo.
Gifts for kids who love animals are easy to come by—cuddly toys are a constant favorite. If you want to surprise your young zoo keeper or farmhand with something different, however, we’ve got some suggestions sure to bring a smile to his or her face.
Customized Gifts for Kids Who Love Animals
What’s better than getting a new book about animals? How about one where you’re the star of the book? My Farm Friends is a colorful, sturdy board book starring your child. She’ll be thrilled to see her photo transformed into a farmer who visits the animals and discovers the sounds they all make. For added fun, I See Me also offers My Farm Friends personalized coloring books, lunch boxes, and personalized farm stickers.
Older children will love our My Very Own Name gift set, which includes a personalized book where animals spell out the letters of the child’s name. Accompanying the book is a lovely plush lamb for snuggling with during story time.
Other Activities for Young Animal Lovers
Books aren’t the only gifts for kids who love animals. I See Me also offers My Farm Friends personalized stickers, activity books, and lunch boxes.
A love of animals offers parents plenty of teachable moments. A trip to the zoo is sure to generate questions about animals and how they live. A rainy day can be transformed into a supervised online safari, hunting for videos or live streams of favorite animals. Local wildlife rehabilitation centers might offer tours, while a set of binoculars and a bird feeder provide hours of entertainment.
Volunteering at your local humane society teaches children how to give back to the community—which is easy enough when you’re volunteering to play with kittens and puppies.
The ultimate gifts for kids who love animals, of course, are pets of their own. Adopting a pet is a big decision and not one to be taken lightly, but with the right guidance you can use a pet to foster a child’s capacity to care for, love, and take responsibility for another creature. Be sure your child is ready for a pet, however. Until she is, personalized books and plush “pets” are better choices!