Your wedding’s flower girl might be a serious-minded nine-year-old, pleased to be considered mature enough to be included in the wedding party. Or perhaps she’s a two-year-old, guided down the aisle by a bridesmaid. Either way, you’ll want to commemorate her role in your wedding with an appropriate gift. We’ve assembled five flower gift ideas to help you show how much you appreciate your “petal patrol.”
A Shadowbox of Wedding Remembrances
This is a great gift for infant flower girls, who probably have no idea about the significance of your special day right now, but will want a remembrance of it when they get older. Buy a 12×12-inch shadowbox from a craft store and fill it with memories of the special day. You can include:
- A personalized invitation to the flower girl
- A photo of her with the bride and groom
- Dried flowers from her bouquet
- A piece of her special dress (or use a larger piece of the dress as a background for the shadowbox)
- Thank you cards, rice, and other wedding items.
Wedding-themed stuffed animals
Shadow boxes are lovely, but not much fun to play with. Younger flower girls might prefer a personalized wedding-themed stuffed animal, and Bride and groom teddy bear sets are easy to find online. Make the gift all the more special by including the plush toys in some of your wedding photos before presenting them to the flower girl.
Personalized books
Weddings are like fairy tales, so why not make your flower girl part of her own fairy tale with the personalized book My Very Own Fairy Tale? Personalized girls’ books transform little girls into ballerinas and princesses, and are flower girl gift ideas sure to become lifelong treasures. The personalized book Princess is another meaningful gift that turns her into a princess. Many customized books allow you to include a personal dedication, where you can tell her how special it was to have her as your flower girl.
Special Jewelry and Clothing
Older flower girls feel very grown-up when they’re included in the wedding party, and many flower girl gift ideas capitalize on this feeling. Dresses and accessories that match those of your bridesmaids will be loved, while small personalized pieces of jewelry can mark the occasion.
Customized Tote Bags
Customized tote bags can be gifts in and of themselves, or used to “wrap” the flower girl’s present. For smaller flower girls, include coloring books, crayons, personalized stickers, and maybe disposable cameras to keep them occupied during the more boring (if you’re six!) parts of the wedding day.