Make unforgettable Disney memories as a family with these fun games for kids based on Disney’s animated, classic films. After game time, relive the Disney magic during storytime with personalized Disney storybooks based on timeless classics.
Fun Games for Kids: Who Said It? Disney Edition
Write quotes from classic Disney movie characters (and Walt Disney himself) on note cards. For example: “Whistle while you work” is spoken by Snow White in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all” is spoken by Thumper in Bambi, and “If you can dream it, you can do it” is spoken by Walt Disney.
Choose a card and read the quote. The player who guesses “who said it” correctly first wins the round! Add candy to the middle and grab a piece each time you win for a sweet treat reward.
“Whistle While You Work” Song Game
Write classic Disney song titles on note cards. For example: “The Bare Necessities” from The Jungle Book, “When You Wish Upon a Star” from Pinocchio, and “Once Upon a Dream” from Sleeping Beauty. Players must choose a card and whistle the song tune. The first player to guess the tune correctly wins the round!
Color the Disney Character
One player takes a piece of paper from a pile containing the names of classic Disney characters and draws the character with crayons—but you only have 30 seconds! Afterward, other players must guess which character it is. When game time is over, spend quality family time drawing and coloring together.
Watch Me Bounce Game
Tigger from Winnie and the Pooh loves to bounce! Scatter hula hoops or plastic rings around your yard. Jump into each hoop and avoid stepping outside the ring. Turn this into a fall game by gathering leaves together in piles across the yard and jump into each new bunch! With Disney’s live-action Christopher Robin movie out now, this game is perfect fun for the whole family and an easy way to get some exercise. When it’s time to wind down before bedtime, a Timeless Winnie the Pooh Book personalized with your child’s name and photo lets you relive the classic Disney story again.
Eat Me, Drink Me Guessing Game
Surprise your child with different food and drink in a game inspired by Alice in Wonderland! Cut a hole in the side of a cardboard box or shoe box, large enough to fit a child or adult-size hand. Label this box EAT ME. Do the same to another box and label it DRINK ME. Place different food items into the box. With eyes closed, your child must reach inside, take a bite, and guess the food item. Do the same with the other box but place different juice boxes and fruit squeeze snack pouches inside.
Kids will love choosing secret treats and discovering every flavor! This can also be a creative way to introduce new foods to your child.