Christmas Crafts and Activities to Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas
Try these festive Christmas crafts and family activities, based on the classic Christmas song “The 12 Days of Christmas,” to celebrate the holiday season and make lasting memories!
Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Bake a delicious pear pie or tart and eat your dessert while watching a favorite holiday movie.
Turtle Doves
Hang a sheet from two chairs and hold your own shadow puppet show at night! Use your hands to create birds or turtle doves that fly.
French Hens Christmas Craft for Kids
Make your own cardboard hen to hold little treasures! You’ll need:
- Egg carton
- Construction paper in orange and red
- Craft feathers
- Scissors
- Glue
- Googly eyes
Cut out one egg carton, to have a triangular section attached to an empty cup. Cut a small slit into the top of the carton and a slit in front, where the hair and beak will go. Cut three triangles from red cardboard and stick inside the top slit with glue. Do the same for the beak. Glue googly eyes to either side of the carton. Glue feathers to the back, for the tail. Use the empty cup to store precious holiday treasures.
Calling Birds
Play a version of Marco Polo in the snow. But instead of calling “Marco!” and “Polo!” sound out your best bird call and call at each other!
Gold Rings
Hide five gold rings around the house in this Christmas scavenger hunt. Each gold ring reveals a special holiday prize, like an ornament or a chocolate.
Geese a-Laying
Turn the game Duck Duck Goose into a Christmas game for kids. Sit in a circle and place a fake egg in the center. When someone is tapped “goose,” he or she must first pick up the egg and run around the circle. If you are tagged or drop the egg while running, you are out!
Swans a-Swimming Christmas Craft
Create a swan boat you can float in the bathtub or sink with this Christmas craft! You’ll need:
- White paper
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Tape
- Glue
- Markers
At one shorter end of the paper, fold the two corners toward each other. Overlap one corner over the other and tape it together. Do the same with the other side. Cut a swan neck and head from cardstock and color eyes with marker. Tape or glue the swan neck to the front of the boat. Draw wings on the sides of your boat.
Maids a-Milking
Bake some delicious fresh cookies and serve with a cold glass of milk. Once you have a favorite family cookie recipe, you can add it to the personalized book Baking Cookies Together!

Ladies Dancing
Have a Christmas dance party inside! Play some Christmas carols, wear your favorite outfit or a tutu and twirl your way across the floor.
Lords a-Leaping
Make your own nutcracker costume or ballet tutu and put on a short version of “The Nutcracker Ballet” in your house!
Pipers Piping Christmas Craft
Craft your own flute and play enthusiastically like a piper! You’ll need:
- Cardboard tube
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Decorations: paint, glitter, stickers, etc.
Cut a circle of cardboard about the size of your tube opening. Insert it into one end and push it slightly inside the tube. With a scissors, poke a square hole six inches from the top of the tube. Poke 5 more holes about an inch apart down the flute. Have fun decorating with glitter, paint, and more!
Drummers Drumming
With several metal pots and two spatulas, your budding musician can perform in a very special drum session! Drums are perfect tools to teach little ones about rhythm and to help with hand-eye coordination.