Five-year-olds are bundles of energy, especially as their birthday’s approach. At five, your child wants to be involved in everything—including planning and preparing for her party. Let her help choose a theme, balloons, and other party details: she’ll love it.
Birthdays, of course, require gifts. Five-year-olds are old enough to express special interests, and you can’t go wrong with gifts reflecting those interests. At the same time, five-year-olds are still exploring the world and themselves, so gifts that offer new experiences are well worth the time.
We’ve assembled a list of 5 year old birthday gift ideas. To help you narrow your options, we’ve divided them into gifts for 5-year-old boys and 5 year old girls.
Gifts for 5-Year-Old Boys
At five, your little boy is old enough to start learning the skills needed for sports, so if he has the interest, a football, basketball, or baseball and glove will make an excellent gift. If he’s more imaginative, building blocks allow him to create his own worlds while improving his fine motor skills.
Educational gifts for 5-year-old boys include basic science kits, which introduce him to chemistry and biology. He’s now old enough to complete simple woodworking crafts with supervision or easy-to-use snap-together plastic models.
Books are popular gifts for 5-year-old boys. Send your little buccaneer on a swashbuckling adventure with the My Very Own Pirate Tale gift set, which includes a personalized storybook and stickers with a customized bandana to encourage imaginative play.
If your little one favors knights and dragons over treasure maps and pirate ships, My Royal Birthday Book for Boys offers a personalized fantasy adventure. In this beautifully illustrated book a powerful but friendly dragon whisks your birthday boy away to be knighted at a birthday party in his honor.
Gifts for 5-Year-Old Girls
First things first—any of the gifts for 5-year-old boys we listed above could make great gifts for 5 year old girls. If your daughter is a budding scientist or adventurous explorer, help her develop her interests with science toys or tales of daring-do. that said, here’s a few suggestions for more traditional gifts for 5-year-old girls.
At five, a child’s imagination really begins to soar. Play costumes and dress-up gifts help her develop her creative play, while allowing her to learn through role play. The Fairy All-in-One Gift Set offers a gorgeous storybook in which the fairies crown your little one their queen. The book comes with a personalized coloring book and lovely flower wand for imaginative play.
Like boys, five-year-old girls are old enough to start learning complex skills. Dance lessons, ice skates, and sporting equipment all make good gifts—if the little one is interested in them to start. Crafting kits are popular at this age, as are plush toys—what birthday girl could resist the little plush bunny that comes with the My Snuggle Bunny Gift Set?
The I See Me! My Royal Birthday Adventure for Girls is our counterpart to the Royal Birthday Adventure for Boys, only in this book, your birthday girl rides an amazing winged unicorn to her very own castle where she’s crowned as the birthday princess.