Spring art projects are perfect for those rainy spring days when the kids are convinced there’s nothing fun to do. We’ve collected five spring crafts we think your kids will love.
Bottlecap Flowers
These pretty bottlecap flower crafts will look great on your fridge or hung in the kid’s room. You’ll need
- Five bottlecaps of the same color
- Green, blue, and yellow craft paper
- The plastic lid of a small tin (almond tins work well)
- White glue
- Glitter glue
- A yellow pompom.
Let the kids use glitter glue to decorate the bottlecaps, which will represent the flower petals. The small tin lid will be the sun, so use yellow and gold glitter to decorate it.
Cut out a green paper flower stalk, two leaves, and a long strip off green paper. Glue these onto the blue craft paper, positioning the flower stalk and leaves so they’re off-center (to make room for the sun). Cut fringes in the grass to represent grass and glue it along the bottom of the picture.
Glue the bottlecaps into a flower shape at the top of the flower stalk, and then glue the pompom into the center of your flower. Glue the sun into the upper corner opposite the flower, cutting and gluing yellow sun rays around it.
Paper Rainbow Cloud Critter
This spring craft for kids lets them practice cutting paper while making an adorable cloud critter. You’ll need:
- Construction paper in rainbow colors
- White construction paper
- Googly eye stickers
- Safety scissors
- White glue
- Black marker.
Cut one long strip of paper in each color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple). Younger kids may need you to cut the strips beforehand.
Cut out a cloud shape from the white paper. You can print simple cloud shapes off the internet—just google “cloud template.” Glue the rainbow strips to the back of the cloud—remember to glue them in reverse order of a real rainbow, so they’ll be in the right order when you turn the craft over.
Turn over the cloud and stick the googly eyes in the middle, using the black marker to draw a happy smile beneath them, and you’re done!
Caterpillar Clothespins
Keeping with the theme of cute critters, this spring craft for kids creates a goofy caterpillar that can be used as a paper clip. You’ll need:
- Small pompoms in assorted colors
- Two small googly eyes per caterpillar
- Clothespins
- White glue.
Spread white glue along the side of one clothespin, and use it to stick pompoms down the length of the clothespin. We think alternating two colors makes for the prettiest caterpillars. Glue the googly eyes to the pompom directly over the clothespin “mouth” and soon you’ll have an army of hungry caterpillars!
Wood Peg Butterflies
If you’ve made caterpillars, why not move your spring art projects on to butterflies? These colorful butterflies are the perfect complement to your pompom caterpillars. You’ll need:
- Wood peg dolls
- Cardboard
- Paint and craft jewels
- Small googly eyes
- Pipe cleaner
- Red marker
- Scissors
- White glue.
Cut out butterfly wings from the cardboard, with a space between the wings where you’ll secure the wood peg doll. Have the children paint the wings, and once they’re dry, glue craft jewels onto them. This is a fantastic opportunity to point out butterfly wings look the same on both sides of the butterfly body, so young crafters can practice basic symmetry skills.
Slide the wood peg doll onto the space between the wings. Cut a piece of pipe cleaner to represent antenna, bend it in half, and glue it to the back of the head. Glue the googly eyes onto the face and use the marker to give your butterfly a happy smile.
Flowers, rainbows, caterpillars, and butterflies. Yup, I think we’ve got your spring art projects covered!